Can someone get IV fluids at home?

Administering Intravenous (IV) Treatment at Home

IV, which stands for intravenous, involves the delivery of medications or fluids through a needle or tube known as a catheter, which is inserted into a vein. Various types of catheters may be used for this purpose, including:

1. **Central Venous Catheter**

2. **Central Venous Catheter with Port**

3. **Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)**

4. **Normal IV (Inserted just beneath the skin)**

Home IV treatment offers an alternative for individuals, including children, to receive IV medications without the need for a hospital stay or visits to a clinic.

**When Is IV Medication at Home Necessary?**

1. **High-Dose Antibiotics:** In some cases, you may require high doses of antibiotics or antibiotics that cannot be taken orally.

2. **Continuation of Hospital Initiated IV Antibiotics:** Certain conditions necessitate the continuation of IV antibiotics post-hospitalization. This can include infections in the lungs, bones, brain, or other body parts.

3. **Other IV Treatments Post-Hospitalization:** IV therapy at home can encompass various treatments, such as:

   **Hormone Deficiency Treatment**

   **Management of Severe Nausea:** This may be caused by cancer chemotherapy or pregnancy.

   **Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA):** A method where patients self-administer IV pain medication.

**Chemotherapy for Cancer Treatment**

4. **Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN):** This may be necessary following a hospital stay and involves the delivery of a complete nutritional formula through a vein.

5. **Supplemental IV Fluids:** Some individuals may require additional fluids via IV.

**Receiving Intravenous Treatments at Home**

IV Wellness lounge Clinic’s nurses will visit your residence to administer the medication. Alternatively, a family member, friend, or even the patient themselves can be trained to administer the IV medication.

The nurse will ensure the IV is functioning properly, and they will monitor for signs of infection. Subsequently, the medication or fluids will be administered in one of the following ways:

1. **Fast Bolus:** The medication is delivered rapidly, all at once.

2. **Slow Infusion:** The medication is administered slowly over an extended period.

Following the administration, the nurse will remain briefly to monitor for any adverse reactions. If there are no complications, the nurse will depart.

Used needles should be disposed of in designated sharps containers, while used IV tubing, bags, gloves, and other disposable supplies can be placed in a plastic bag and disposed of in the regular trash.

**Potential Issues to Be Aware Of**

It’s essential to be vigilant for the following problems:

1. **Extravasation:** This occurs when medication or fluid escapes into the surrounding tissue, potentially causing harm to the skin or nearby tissue.

2. **Vein Swelling:** Swelling of the vein can increase the risk of a blood clot, known as thrombophlebitis.

While extremely rare, the following severe issues can arise:

**Air Embolism:** If an air bubble enters the vein and travels to the heart or lungs, it can lead to serious breathing or heart problems.

**Severe Allergic Reactions:** These can occur in response to the medication.

IV Wellness Lounge Clinic provides around-the-clock services. If any issues arise with the IV, you can contact your IV Wellness Lounge Clinic agency for assistance.

**If the IV Dislodges:**

1. Initially, apply pressure to the site where the IV was inserted to stop any bleeding.

2. Then, promptly notify the IV Wellness Lounge Clinic agency or healthcare provider.

**When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider**

Contact your healthcare provider if you or your child exhibit any signs of infection, including:

– Redness, swelling, or bruising at the site where the needle enters the vein.

– Pain.

– Bleeding.

– A fever of 100.5°F (38°C) or higher.

In cases of:

– Breathing difficulties.

– Rapid heart rate.

– Dizziness.

– Chest pain.

Dial your local emergency number, such as 911, immediately.