The essential vitamins and minerals for healthy, happy hair!

The state of our hair reflects our identity signifying self-confidence and self-care. The hair production
cycle is a continual process of renewal and shedding. The cycle requires multivitamins and minerals
to boost hair health on a cellular level. Low multivitamin levels caused by hormonal changes and
various other factors change the condition of our hair. These deficiencies impact the state of our hair

In addition, factors such as age, genetics and hormones also affect hair growth, but optimal nutrient
intake and maximum absorption are the keys. That is why intravenous (IV) therapy, which delivers
nutrients right into your bloodstream for immediate availability, has many benefits.

At IV Hub Wellness Lounge, we have formulated a hair regenerate drip, which is crucial for hair
vitality. The Hair Regenerate drip consists of multivitamins essential for healthy hair. The main
ingredients, Biotin, Zinc and B12, are important for DNA Synthesis and cell reproduction, which take
place during the hair production cycle. In addition to that, zinc may even help you fight dandruff.

IV Hub’s mission is to provide long-term wellness to our patients with natural procedures, addressing
the body’s needs at the cellular level. Our intravenous (IV) treatments for hair, skin and nails are
carefully formulated to support your body, remove toxins, maintain the optimal nutritional balances
and improve your appearance inside out – by not only addressing the symptoms but the causes of any
appearance concerns, such as brittle hair, hair loss, hair breakage or thinning.

Book your session now!